Models: us models only,min 108 inch wheelbase,1960 and up Roll cages: 4 point,no less than 1 1/2 x .095 steel tubing 4 door bars if 1 1/2 ia used and 3 door bars if 1 3/4 is used Frames: stock only,uni-body cars may be tied together but no tubing rails allowed beyond the front spring eyes Bodies: stock only, no aftermarket bodies allowed, aftermarket nosepieces are allowed Heads: cast iron straight plug heads only,must have original casting numbers on heads Rockers: stock rockers only,no roller rockers or roller tips are allowed,valve covers will be pulled every night,and we can have you pull them any time during the night tha we feel is necessary Carbs: NO HOLLEYS,quadrajet and edelbrocks only, no dual line or double pumpers allowed Ignition: HEI only,no type of external ignition box will be allowed Tires: racing recaps or dot stamped highway tires only,8 1/2 inch wide max,THIS MEASUREMENT IS THE TREAD ONLY Floorboards: stock firewall and floorboards,firewall may be moved back for clearance only,but must remain stock,no flat fabricated firewalls Intakes: cast iron only,no spacer plates allowed Wheels: 8 inch steel only Transmission: no aftermarket transmissions or direct drives allowed,automatics must have torque converter and will no be allowed to have a pump bypass,all must have forwaqrd and reverse gears and start and stop on ther own Shackles or sliders are allowed Suspension: all front suspension must remain stock, all control arm mounts and steering mounts must remain in original location,no racing control arms or weight jacks allowed Steering pumps: must be stock Shocks: 1 shock per wheel,stock location Traction devices: NO 90-10 OR ANY OTHER TRACTION DEVICE WILL BE ALLOWED Brakes: all rotors and calipers must remain stock Fuel: gas only Fuel cell: mandatory,32 gallon max. Driveshaft: steel only,must be painted white, driveshaft loop is required Protest: you may protest someone to have their heads and rockers checked,this will be a $25.00 protest fee which will go to them if they are legal ALL GENERAL TRACK RULES APPLY |